Reasons To Get Outdoors!

Nature can be one of the most beneficial things for a persons mental health. With cities growing and becoming more industrialized, it can be more and more difficult to reconnect with nature and get some much needed fresh air. Here are some of the benefits a person can get from just getting outdoor once in a while.

Physical Health


Obviously exercise is one of the main benefits you will get from getting outside and enjoying nature. Even a short light walk has plenty of benefits, no one is saying you need to go hike Angels Landing to reap the physical benefits of getting outdoors.

Reduced Inflammation

There has been studies that show that those who get outside more often tend to have lower risk for inflammatory diseases such as IBS. Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing, our body does it to protect us, but when it goes into over drive it can cause some pretty severe issues.

Walking & Relax
Photo Credit: Giorgio Martini on flickr

Better Eyesight

Most studies for this have been done with children mainly, but it showed us that outdoor activities can have a protective benefit for their vision. Another study shows that for those who work on computers all day, outdoor activity where they are focusing on things that aren’t two feet in front of their face can prevent and in some cases reverse the side effects of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome).

Mental Health

Stress Relief

Several studies show that a two night stay in the forrest can reduce cortisol levels immensely. Cortisol is the hormone that is main-linked to stress. Another study shows that even having an office view of nature can reduce stress levels.

Improved Concentration

There have been several studies showing that a short time spent in nature can boost someones concentration levels pretty high. Some researches have found that even children with ADHD have shown higher levels of concentration after just a 20 minute nature walk.

All Around Better Mental Health

Depression, anxiety and stress can all be easily reduced by getting outdoors more and enjoying some fresh air!

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