Hidden Canyon Trail

East of The Great White Throne tucked away is Hidden Canyon which is a stunning “hanging canyon” that visitors can explore. This hike is pretty cool cause depending on how far you want to explore into the canyon, it can last from 3-6 hours. It offers beautiful views and good obstacles to overcome. This is a more strenuous hike and is not suggest for the faint of heart or those who are afraid of heights. The trail climbs the east side of the canyon, access to the trailhead starts at Weeping Rock Trailhead.

Hidden Canyon Trail
Photo Credit: Patric Chaussé on flickr

The beginning of the trail will start with a few uphill sand covered switchbacks, as you get to the top of minor saddle the trail will then follow the canyon wall where helpful chains have been set in place for hikers safety. Eventually it will descend into a little shaded valley. Now for the fun part of the trail, there will be sandstone carved steps that lead up to an exposed ledge where more chains have been set in place for hikers to hold onto. This section can be quite scary for those afraid of heights! There will be a path that has been carved into the sandstone wall as well.

After conquering that section you will have officially reached Hidden Canyon, be careful as you cross over the stream bed for there are potholes that are filled with water. This is technically where the trail ends, but you can keep on hiking around for about another mile and explore beyond the trails end. If you decide to hike on, there will be plenty of overgrown gardens, mossy covered rocks, and there is even a small arch to be found.

The more you hike in the more the trail has to offer. There’s so much to be seen on this trail and it can be a lot of fun with the right crowd of friends!

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