A first aid kit is one of the essential gears for a hiking trip. However, major injuries are not very common in hiking. But, small injuries can always happen when you are hiking, that is why you should pack a first aid kit along with other items while hiking. You can treat the wound immediately so that it won’t trouble you later. The wound won’t get bigger if it gets the right treatment at the right time. Moreover, you can enjoy your trip to Zion National Park when you keep everything ready and you can also help others when you are prepared properly.
Hiking in Zion First-Aid Guidelines:
Taking a first-aid kit with you while hiking can be very useful, for instance if one of the individuals in your group gets injured, then you can give him or her immediate treatment. In case of any life threatening accidents, you should follow these three guidelines:
Stabilize Injury:
Try to stabilize the injury with first-aid. Stop the wound from damaging more. If a member gets hurt then try to stop the bleeding and move him to some other place.
Start Recovery: Make the injured person feel better. Treat the injury and give the first-aid to prevent damage.
It is important to follow the hiking rule of staying calm. In case of any severe issue, take the lead and make others feel secure by being strong and sensible. If any member in your group gets panicked because of injury, then take him or her to a warmer place and help them recover by giving them first-aid treatment. Taking initiative to help people is the bravest thing to do and helping people can also make you feel happy and special.
Zion Hiking Injury Prevention
Sometimes you can’t escape from getting injury especially when you are hiking in a place like Zion Canyon and escaping from weather is sometimes difficult, but when you are prepared well enough you can make things better and at least you can try to prevent additional issues from coming up. Plan it well when you are hiking with a group. Make sure that you carry the necessary things to complete your hiking trip successfully. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing, drink plenty of water, and take snacks every hour or so.
Learn about preparation for hiking, details on hiking in hot weather, hiking at different altitudes and hiking in cold weather.
Before you go for an adventurous hike in a new area of Zion National Park, you should know about poisonous insects, snakes, plants, dangerous animals, and other reptiles that inhabit this area.
First-Aid Kit
First-aid kits are available in any medical store, where you can get from bigger ones to small travel first-aid kit. Get a travel kit for your personal safety when you are going for a hike with a group. However, in a group one person must carry the bigger first-aid kit so that it can be useful for everyone in the group. Learn a few things about first-aid kits so that you can use it properly when you need it for treatment.
Check your first-aid kit before going for a hiking trip to make sure that you have everything that you required for emergency. Check the date and replace the expired medications and replace the items that are required. Keep the first-aid kit where you can take it easily when required.
Photo Credit: Bill Morrow