The Canyon Overlook Trail in Zion

The Canyon Overlook Trail in Zion is one of the more popular hikes in Zion. For a couple reasons, the view is amazing, and the approach is quite simple. You’ll encounter the young to the old on this trail, as there is very little uphill, and the trail itself is short.

But as you can see from the views they are hard to match. In fact you’ll feel a little guilty to have such a view with such little investment.

canyon overlook trail

Getting There:

The trail head is just after the tunnel so it’s super easy to find. As soon as you go through the tunnel you’ll pass a guard station, and just after the guard station is where the trail starts.

The Trail:

You’ll climb just a bit at first and then most of the uphill is over. After that you’ll be walking along the canyon overlooking the start to Pine Creek Canyon (a technical canyon). Before long you’ll come to a wooden bridge that’s pretty fun to walk along while looking down below you. After the bridge there’s an alcove that you walk under that is quite interesting and a good spot to take a quick break at if need be.

overlook trail

You’ll have a another slight incline through rocked steps and then be very near the end. As you keep heading west you’ll soon see the end of the hike and a the million dollar view.

It’s quite inspiring to come to the edge of the Canyon Overlook and to see clear down the canyon. To see all of the switch backs that you came up in your car below. If you look to the left (or south) then you’ll often see people exciting the Pine Creek as they walk along the creek bottom.

Make certain to take a quick lunch with you so you can linger on the edge, truly the view from the Overlook in Zion is one of the better views you’ll see. So if you’re coming to Zion make certain to not miss out on the Canyon Overlook Trail.

overlook trail in zion canyon

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