What to Expect When Hiking Emerald Pools

Want to go on a hike on a super-hot day in Zion National Park, but need something moderately easy with plenty of shade to keep you cool? Emerald Pools is a refreshing and beautifully scenic hike for those who need something a little less extreme. Only a .6 mile long hike this is the perfect hike for the entire family, including the really little ones!

emerald pools in zion

The start of the trail is paved making it feel like more of a stroll through the park, rather than a hike. Plenty of shade is provided due to the cottonwood and box elder trees that seem to line the trail. Alongside of you will be the beautiful Virgin River. As you make your way to the pools you will get random splashes of cool spring water that falls from and seeps out the sandstone cliffs along the trail.

Once you reach the pool be prepared to be blown away by its beauty. The pool sits in a circular canyon, with beautiful sandstone boulders and shrubbery that peeks out of the rock cliff.  This is where most of the hikers take a break to eat, play, and take in the lowers pools beauty. The rest of the hike is mostly paved trail where more water falls from the cliffs and provides a refreshing exit of the hike.

Lower Emerald Pools is definitely a favored hike in Zion, and is by far my favorite short hike in Zion. I have hiked it a handful of times during different seasons and it never ceases to blow me away with its magnificent views and relaxing aura. This really is the best hike for a day trip with the entire family. Be sure to pack some waterproof hiking shoes for the trip to the pools. You are bound to get wet here. Have fun and enjoy beautiful Lower Emerald Pools!

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